Meet Tiffany Rotondo, Senior Human Resources Manager at The Jel Sert Company

Get to know Tiffany, a new member of EFBC!

The Jel Sert Company
Founded: 1926
Location: West Chicago, IL

Tell us about your career leading up to where you are now:

My name is Tiffany Rotondo and I’m with The Jel Sert Company. I’ve been here for almost 16 years. I started in HR about 25 years ago. I originally started in HR at another family owned company in West Chicago, that specialized in horticulture. I took a 4 and a ½ year break to stay at home and raise my children and re-entered the workforce at The Jel Sert Company as an HR Assistant and have moved my way up to a Senior Manager of Corporate Human Resources. I have two older children, ages 24 and 22 and I’ve been married for 25 years. Actually, this past May we celebrated our 25th anniversary by going on a 12-day trip to Europe. It was a trip of a lifetime!

What do you like most about what you do?

I like the variety. Prior to being promoted to Senior Manager, I used to be an HR Generalist, and I still have some of the generalist responsibilities in my day-to-day work. Overall, I handle compensation, policies, and procedures, implementing state and federal laws, and implementing new policies to ensure we remain compliant. Additionally, I manage our budget, performance evaluations, and of course employee relations, so it’s just a little bit of everything.

How did you hear about the EFBC?

Nisha Patel, of Systematics, Inc. and EFBC member, used to work for me at Jel Sert as our HR Assistant. At the time she was part-time and eventually left to go to work with her family at Systematics. We stayed in touch over the years, and she encouraged me to join and has been talking to me about her experiences, basically since she joined EFBC. She felt it was an opportunity that would be beneficial to me because we are a family-owned business, almost 100 years old, with the third generation currently running the company and the fourth generation working in the business, in sales and marketing roles.

Why did you join, and what do you hope to gain from your membership?

Working for a family organization and specifically in human resources, you do not get a lot of outlets to talk to people or to try and come up with solutions outside of talking to those within your department. I felt that this would be a great opportunity for me to open up and share with others about different things that might be going on for me personally within the business. I hope to be able to use shared experiences for how other companies have handled various situations and how to apply their experiences to where I am at when I am problem solving. Additionally, the community building piece truly intrigued me. Being able to get to know other people from other family owned businesses and the opportunity to join a group of people that I can trust and count on is important in my role and in my life.

Join us in welcoming Tiffany to the EFBC community.


Meet Giovanna & Jonathan Capitanini

Get to know Giovanna & Jonathan, new members of EFBC!

Italian Village Restaurants
Founded: 1927
Location: Chicago, IL

Tell us a little about yourselves:

(Giovanna) Jonathan and I have started the process of transitioning the business from our mother to us. We are the fourth generation to run the business. In the day-to-day, I handle the marketing side of things. I am responsible for any of the ads, social media, influencers, PR, signage, website, menus, etc.; all that good stuff. In January of last year, we refreshed The Village brand, so I spent a lot of time on that project and implementing it across channels. The next big project I am working on is our newest concept, Bar Sotto, an Italian take on a Chicago dive bar.

(Jonathan) I more recently joined the business and come from a background in management consulting, and I also worked with another restaurant brand prior. We call my role the ‘Head Dishwasher,’ which has been passed down through the generations; but it is essentially the operations role. I focus on operations, finance, HR, and the opening of our newest concept with Giovanna.

I studied economics in college, which was a pretty generalist degree, and a good way to figure out what I wanted to do. From a young age, both of us were told not to go into the restaurant business. Our family wanted us to go work in Corporate America because they knew how hard the restaurant industry could be. But I think, as with many things, the more your parents tell you not to do something, the more drawn to it you are. Still, we both pursued alternative career paths after college, which was how Giovanna got into marketing and I got into consulting.

But once the pandemic hit, it was an incredibly hard time for the restaurant industry, so I began to focus more on the family business knowing the skillsets I had built in consulting would be particularly valuable in this time. Slowly, as the business started to stabilize, we realized that our mom was nearing retirement age and started looking at our succession plan. At that point, we realized our different strengths and what we both brought to the table and the differences we have that both add value to the business.

We also identified that, aside from the first generation, previous generations were missing prior work experience in different restaurants. We thought our business was stuck in the ‘old ways’ a little too much and did not have enough outside perspective, so I found an opportunity to work for another restaurant group, Boqueria Restaurants, they have a location in Chicago, but are based on the East Coast. I was able to run through their manager-in-training (MIT) program, where you rotate through each role in the business, from back of house to front of house, and then the corporate team where I worked on strategic initiatives across all units. Finally, I came back home, just over a year ago, to start to apply some of those learnings.

(Giovanna) So Jonathan took a more direct route, in learning the ins-and-outs of the restaurant industry while I took more of a roundabout route. I graduated college with a marketing degree, focused on digital media. I had a few internships with marketing firms in Chicago, and one global firm before ending up at Modern Luxury in their digital media department. I was part of a 5-person digital team – we were doing everything from digital ads, SEO tracking, website management, everything you can think of for the digital brand. After about 3 or 4 years there, there was an opening at the restaurant for a person doing what I was doing and so I started working closely with our PR firm. And then when COVID hit, I started taking over more of the website maintenance and more of the social media on my own as we cut costs and let go of the outsourced marketing/PR partner.

Tell us how you work with each other, especially given the nuances and unique aspects of being in business with your family members.

(Jonathan) It’s definitely something we are working on and will continue to work on as we move forward. As a wise person once told us, in family business, “your business is in your family and your family is in your business.” It’s interesting to navigate the different hats and relationships we have with each other, from siblings, to colleagues, to manager, etc., and sometimes it can be challenging expressing thoughts or concerns when you haven’t clarified which hat you’re speaking from at that time. If you are trying to give feedback but they are approaching the situation like a family member the response is totally different than, for example, if you are coming to the person as a colleague. We have made a lot of progress in the past year, and I am proud of how far we have come and looking forward to what we can accomplish in the future. Our ability to collaborate and come together has proven successful in elevating us to further heights and a big step for us was joining EFBC. We were looking to find mentorship beyond the family, because sometimes when you are seeking shared experiences outside of your family others just don’t understand the different dynamics. We are excited to build community from a broader audience and hear perspectives on other people’s challenges with communication and problem solving.

(Giovanna) We often get asked about how working with family is, and we regularly joke that we haven’t killed each other yet. But aside from that, Jonathan and I have a real passion for our business. We grew up in this business, it’s in our blood. And at the end of the day, we have the best interest of the restaurant and our employees at heart and at the end of the day we are family. To us, that’s the most important thing. That way, when we approach each other, we have a basis of understanding of where both of us are coming from and it helps us understand each other a little better. We joined the EFBC to be able to gain an outside perspective, especially because most friends and other colleagues do not have the experience of what it’s like working with your family.

How did you first hear about EFBC?

(Both) Our uncle, Al Capitanini.

(Jonathan) When you are the fourth generation in a family business, you understand that no matter what the previous generation does to ‘solve’ certain problems, you run into the same sorts of family problems, like communication among family members and figuring out a way to get support from people who know what you’re going through and so he [Al] had an understating of the EFBC when he was involved with the business, found it helpful, and recommended it as an option for us as we start to make that transition into ownership and leadership roles.

What made you want to finally join EFBC and what are you hoping to gain from your membership?

(Jonathan) I knew, at the time, we weren’t doing our best in terms of communicating and working together, and we were struggling to find the proper ways to collaborate. So it became obvious that we each needed some outside perspective on things to alleviate having to include other family members, like our mom having to be the referee, which ultimately wasn’t getting us anywhere as our mom just wants us both happy and getting along. Great in family, but that approach doesn’t really help the business. We needed to be able to make some tough decisions and have agreement and commitment to those decisions, which is what pushed me to explore EFBC more.

(Giovanna) In general, we were kind of looking for someone, a third party, just to give us an outside perspective on things. When you are close with your family and are in business together, everyone you talk to about it is so inclined to give their own opinions on every matter and you end up with a lot of advice from people, but they haven’t necessarily worked in the day-to-day nor do they have an understanding of how the business operates. I think, additionally, the EFBC community is so great because there are so many different types of businesses, multiple generations, and perspectives that will be helpful for us to learn from.

(Jonathan) Just to drive home Giovanna’s point on community, at the end of the summer, we attended the Summer Social at Avli, and it truly felt like folks went out of their way to talk to us and make us feel comfortable and included. As we were making our decision on whether to join, so many shared their own experiences from the value they get out of EFBC, which really “sealed the deal” for us.

(Giovanna) Everyone was really welcoming and excited to talk about EFBC and how it has improved their lives, their businesses, and so many other aspects – that was really the cherry on top!

Join us in welcoming Giovanna & Jonathan to the EFBC community.


Member Spotlight: Krusinski Construction 50th Anniversary

This month we’re celebrating Krusinski Construction Company!

In the ever-evolving world of construction, it is a remarkable achievement for any company to reach the momentous milestone of 50 years in business. Such an accomplishment showcases not only perseverance, but also a steadfast commitment to their core values and the community they serve.

Krusinski Construction Company, a family-owned business, has consistently operated under the belief that treating clients, employees, and the community the right way is the only way to do business, lovingly referred to as the “Krusinski way.” When working with them, you can truly feel the difference in their approach and dedication to delivering exceptional results. Today, on behalf of the EFBC Community, we proudly extend our heartfelt congratulations to this valuable member, as they celebrate their remarkable journey of half a century.

To celebrate this significant milestone, Krusinski Construction has released a special video featuring the founder, Joe Krusinski, along with CEO Jerry Krusinski and President Jeff Krusinski. In this video, the three leaders reflect on the company’s journey and discuss their vision for the future. Their insights give us a glimpse into the family’s strong values that have undoubtedly contributed to the company’s longevity and success. Check out their special video HERE!

Looking ahead, Krusinski Construction Company continues to forge a path of innovation and industry leadership. With a solid foundation built over the past 50 years and a clear vision for the future, they are well-equipped to navigate the evolving construction landscape and shape the industry for years to come. Congratulations to Krusinski Construction on this remarkable milestone, and here’s to the next 50 years of success!


Gratitude and Reflection – A Letter From The President

Dear EFBC Members,

As we prepare to bid farewell to another eventful year for the EFBC, December arrives, adorned with the warmth and joy of the holiday season. It’s a time for reflection, gratitude, and showing appreciation for the people who make our business journeys worthwhile.

As business leaders and professionals, it’s essential to remember the significance of showing appreciation for our partners, coworkers, clients, and everyone who has played a role in our successes throughout the year. This holiday season, let’s take a moment to express our gratitude and spread the spirit of appreciation. A simple gesture or a heartfelt message can go a long way in strengthening relationships and building a supportive network.

In celebrating milestones within our community, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to two of our valuable members, Krusinski Construction Company and Brucher Machining, Inc., on their exceptional achievement of marking their 50th Anniversary! It’s an honor to have them as part of our EFBC community!

In the past month, we had the privilege of hearing from one of our own, B.J. Slater, who shared an insightful analogy between business leaders and changes in the aviation industry. The psychology of human factors “Soft Skills” used a flight crew team and business leadership team. Also, the white paper from Strategic Partner Burke, Warren, MacKay & Serritella, P.C. regarding year end compliance issues for business is a necessary tool for the leadership toolbox.

As we approach the new year, our planning for 2024 continues. Your input and engagement are crucial as we shape the direction and initiatives of EFBC for the upcoming year. Look out for updates on planning sessions and opportunities to contribute. We have an exciting lineup of events for the upcoming months:

We encourage you to mark your calendars and make the most of these opportunities to learn from industry leaders and foster meaningful connections within our community.

As we approach the close of 2023, let’s carry the spirit of appreciation and reflection with us. EFBC is not just a business group; it’s a community built on support, collaboration, and shared aspirations. Thank you for being a part of our remarkable EFBC family.

Wishing you all a joyful holiday season!

Dave Horvath
EFBC President 2023-2024


Meet Dan Migacz, CFO at A.M. Woodland Outdoor Design

Get to know Dan, a new member of EFBC!

A.M. Woodland Outdoor Design / Lotz Custom Carpentry, Inc.
Founded: 2009
Location: Mundelein, IL / Salem, WI

Tell us about your career leading up to where you are now:
I studied accounting in undergrad (IWU) and grad school (ISU). Once I graduated, I went to work at a public accounting firm, McGladrey (now RSM US) and passed my CPA exams. After a couple of years there, however, I knew that I didn’t want to stay in public accounting. I transitioned over to Cardinal Health and was there for a short time. I moved on to a private equity firm called Sherman Residential, where I was the Controller for five years. That was a fantastic role, and I learned a lot about deal making, acquisitions, and running large multi-family properties. And now, for the past six years, I finally came to work with my brother!

What do you like most about what you do?
As the CFO, I work a lot with numbers. I wouldn’t necessarily say numbers are my favorite thing, but I definitely have a knack for them. I just really enjoy getting to spend every day with my best friends. I work directly with my brother and other family members and then our business partners have basically become family. And it’s just great to be able to get to do what we do, while also being able to spend every day together. When it comes to problem solving, it is exciting that we are the ones problem solving, and collectively coming together to make a decision. But of course, there’s pros and cons to that, because the full responsibility of the decision making does fall on us as well.

How did you hear about the EFBC?
So, I’ve known Marcus Newman (EFBC Membership Director and Strategic Partner) for several years now. He does our company group insurance benefits. We were talking about some health insurance items and he brought it up. He asked us if we had ever heard about EFBC and mentioned that it would benefit our business and that it would be really good for us. A week or so later I reached out to him and expressed that I was interested in heard more and he sent me over some information and the website and said that if I wanted to know more to get in contact with Liz Fidanovski (EFBC Executive Director) and have her come out and sit down with you guys and explain what EFBC Is all about.

Why did you join, and what do you hope to gain from your membership?
I would say it was a combination of two things. The first is the programs. Liz described the programs EFBC hosts, and I was excited at the opportunity to not only participate but my brother, our partners, and our key employees. Whether it’s an HR roundtable, a finance roundtable or different programs that we can send our employees to. We are always interested in continuing learning opportunities and staying up to date on current policies and best practices. In addition to that, the second and for me, personally, the biggest draw were the peer groups, or forums. I was excited to have a group, that meets regularly who have been through a lot of the same things I am going through. I was excited for the shared experiences with a group of businesspeople who are on the same level to gain insight but to also share my own experiences in a safe, confidential environment on both personal and professional lives. It was just exciting to have regular sit downs and have a good, honest conversation with a group of people that actually care about me. In other groups I have participated in, the interpersonal experiences varied drastically, and this just feels on a different level from that. Our business partner, at the moment, is busy with his family but I have been sharing with my brother who will hopefully be joining soon.

Join us in welcoming Dan to the EFBC community.


A Season of Growth – Letter From The President

Dear EFBC Members,

With October ending soon and us moving towards November, we find ourselves in a season of focus and determination. It’s a time for Midwesterners to buckle down and turn their attention to business strategies and plans for the year ahead. Here’s what’s happening in our EFBC community this November.

For those who participated in our forum retreats last month, November presents the perfect opportunity to put those newfound leadership skills and perspectives into action. Take the insights gained from your retreat experiences and apply them to your daily endeavor’s family & Business. Let this be a season of growth, both personally and professionally.

As we dive into November, here are a few key highlights to look forward to:

  • Leadership 2.0 ends tomorrow, Oct 25th
  • Nov 2nd Sales and Marketing round table
  • Nov 8th finance round table
  • Nov 15th Flex Forum

Keep an eye on our event calendar for details on these opportunities to connect with like-minded professionals.

As we move forward into November, let’s remember that our strength lies in our collective determination and dedication. EFBC is more than just a business group; it’s a community that supports, empowers, and uplifts one another.

Thank you for being an integral part of our dynamic EFBC family. Your contributions and commitment are the driving force behind our shared success. Here’s to a focused and productive November!

Dave Horvath
EFBC President 2023-2024


Rewiring, Not Retiring

Retirement is a golden period, a time to relax, enjoy the fruits of your labor, and finally do all those things you’ve dreamt of for years. However, for many, no longer doing the work you’ve been a part of for decades can also bring a sense of loneliness or a lack of purpose. The good news is that it’s never too late to embark on a new journey, and retirement can be the perfect time to discover a new passion or endeavor that adds fulfillment to this chapter of your life.

One of the remarkable aspects of retirement is that you finally have the time to explore what truly interests you. Start by taking a trip down memory lane. Think about the activities or hobbies that once brought you joy but were put on hold due to your busy working life. Did you have a love for painting, gardening, or playing a musical instrument that you couldn’t fully pursue? These interests could hold the key to your new passion.

While reflecting on past interests is a great starting point, don’t limit yourself to the familiar. Retirement is the perfect opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. Consider taking a class or workshop you’ve always been curious about. It could be learning a new language, trying your hand at pottery, or exploring the world of photography – new experiences of any kind could ignite a spark within you.

Building connections with like-minded individuals can play a crucial role in discovering your new passion. Join clubs, social groups, or online communities centered around your interests. These connections can provide valuable insights, support, and motivation. Surrounding yourself with people who share your new passion can be a key to continued enjoyment of this endeavor.

Retirement is also an excellent time to explore opportunities for giving back to the community. Volunteering can be an experience that not only provides a sense of purpose but also exposes you to new interests and passions. Whether you’re mentoring young adults, helping at a local animal shelter, or contributing to causes close to home, there are countless ways to make a positive impact.

Finding a new passion or endeavor in retirement may not happen overnight. It’s essential to be patient with yourself during this process. Your first attempt may not lead to a new lifelong passion, and that’s okay! The key is to remain persistent and keep exploring until you discover what truly resonates with you.

Retirement is a time to celebrate life, and your journey of discovering a new passion is a significant part of that celebration. Be proud of your efforts and achievements, no matter how big or small they may seem. The joy is in the journey itself, and the fulfillment you find in your newfound passion will make retirement an even more enriching and exciting phase of your life.

In conclusion, retirement is not the end of the road but a new chapter waiting to unfold. By embracing change, reflecting on your interests, connecting with others, and staying persistent, you can successfully rewire yourself to find a new passion that brings purpose and joy to your retirement years. Remember, a new adventure might be exactly what you need to make the most of this exciting phase of your life. Happy rewiring!



Meet Gregory Cooney, Owner and Partner CMO of Educational Environments

Get to know Gregory, a new member of the EFBC.

Educational Environments
Founded: 1967
Location: Elk Grove Village, IL

Tell us about your career leading up to where you are now:
Well I’ve been at Educational Environments much longer than I care to admit! I worked in menswear as a buyer for a time before starting here, but I basically grew up in this business. My father owned the company, but my brother, my sister and myself have run it for 40 years now. The company itself has been in business for 56 years. I joined thinking it would be something transitional but ended up liking the work, so I made a career out of it. My focus is in sales, marketing, and design.

What do you like most about what you do?
Having the focus of providing furniture solutions that encourage new learning models and ways of teaching that are more relevant to students today makes it very engaging to be doing this work.

How did you hear about the EFBC?
Interestingly enough I heard about it from a “friendly competitor” also in this field! They had been involved in EFBC for a number of years, and I was speaking to him at a conference where he mentioned EFBC to myself and my daughter as something that may benefit our company.

Why did you join, and what do you hope to gain from your membership?
Looking for resources around succession planning or a transition to a new generation of the family was important to me. Learning more about Forum and doing my first Forum session, now my team and my daughter’s are more interested in joining Forum too. It’s really nice to have those outside resources, especially when you’re a family business, because it’s easy to get tunnel vision. Having these outside influences helps us to avoid that tunnel vision and the different perspectives are something I really appreciate and can learn a lot from.

Join us in welcoming Gregory to the EFBC community.