Evergreen Supply Co.
Founded: 1986
Location: Itasca, IL
Tell us about your career leading up to where you are now:
Evergreen Supply Co was started in 1986 by my mom, Patt Gallagher in the basement of our family home. After graduating from Loyola University of Chicago with a Bachelor of Arts in Finance in 1988, I joined my mom who only sold two product lines Bussmann Fuses and Eveready Batteries. Today, we distribute over 250 different manufacturers, have our own fleet of delivery vehicles and employee 32 wonderful people. Together we built a distribution company of electrical materials from the basement to a 50,000 square foot facility in Itasca, IL. As President of Evergreen Supply Co, the company has grown to a 38-million-dollar company serving electrical contractors in the Chicagoland market.
What do you like most about what you do?
I really enjoy working with my clients to solve problems and create beautiful spaces. Evergreen Supply has been able to work on many iconic projects in Chicago. We have provided material to O’Hare Airport runways and terminals all the way to the Museum of Science & Industry and beyond. We have worked at Northwestern Hospital as well as Edward, Advocate Medical and Rush to name a few. Recently, we have been awarded the lighting for the Obama Presidental Center. There are so many great projects that we had the ability to be part of in the City and State that it makes me so happy.
How did you hear about the EFBC?
In May of 2021, I purchased an amazing building in Itasca, Illinois from Brian McIlwee of McIlwee Millwork. Brian introduced me to all his neighbors in the Itasca community and continually discussed the EFBC. The group was all gushing about Forum and the relationships and business shared experiences that they all received from EFBC. Brian along with Nirel Inman invited me to some events and I was really interested in learning more.
Why did you join, and what do you hope to gain from your membership?
I joined EFBC for the strong community of family and privately held business that foster relationships and provide shared experiences. Running a business has many challenges and it is nice to have a support group of others to bounce questions and issues off of them. I also joined EFBC for their council of resources available to me and Evergreen Supply.
Join us in welcoming Colleen to the EFBC community.